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Very few of these plants are hardy anywhere in the UK. - most need a minimum temperature of 15 degrees Centigrade, good light levels and high humidity. Many can be successfully grown as houseplants (especially in the bathroom!) - at least for a while when in flower - then put them back in the conservatory - or outside in summer - while you bring another into the house for a few weeks. That way you'll notice them more when at their best and always have them on view when most attractive.
Abyssinian Banana (Ensete)Abyssinian Banana (Ensete)
Achmea del MarAchmea del Mar
Aechmea Del Mar
Aechmea fasciataAechmea fasciata
Agave americana var. 'marginata'Agave americana var. 'marginata'
Ageratina ligustrinaAgeratina ligustrina
Aloe veraAloe vera
Begonia masonianaBegonia masoniana
Biophytum sensitivumBiophytum sensitivum
Clerodendrum thompsoniaeClerodendrum thompsoniae
Echeveria glaucaEcheveria glauca
Friendship plant or Queen's TearsFriendship plant or Queen's Tears
Hoya, WaxflowerHoya, Waxflower
Rotheca myricoides 'Ugandense' (Clerodendrum ugandenseRotheca myricoides 'Ugandense' (Clerodendrum ugandense
Sedum & Succulents collectionSedum & Succulents collection
Spanish MossSpanish Moss
Spider PlantSpider Plant
Thunbergia grandifloraThunbergia grandiflora
Tweedia caeruleaTweedia caerulea

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